A celebration of the year
You may be wondering, what is Theatre banquet? Martin Theatre's banquet is our end of the year formal party to remember the year of theatre, issue awards, have fun, and quite frankly be very silly. It is held during the summer every year at the Fort Worth club and attire is formal. Purchase of tickets is required to attend. The following is how the evening will typically go:
The players president will begin the evening by formally welcoming all participants in a brief address.
A delicious catered dinner is typically provided by the Fort Worth Club. The food is delicious and bountiful! As food is usually served buffet style, seniors eat first. Dinner place settings and cuisine are formal as well.
One act Parody
Immediately after dinner, festivities commence with the One Act Parody! This is created by the seniors of the One Act cast. It is as it would appear, a mockery of the process and performace of the play. While usually riddled with inside jokes, this parody is enjoyable to all. It is usually unpracticed and read more or less on the spot.
A.K.A.'s and Golden groves
A. K. A. 's, or "Also Known As," is when players submit humorous alternate names for the year's plays and the officers select their favorites and read them to the party. This is excellent for some fun, cheap laughs! Following this, "Golden Groves," a relatively new tradition, are issued. Golden Groves are essentially silly superlatives. Reserved mostly for theatre 3/4 students, they are silly awards based on the student's years and mishaps. Examples from the past include "Most likely to be electrocuted," and "For doing parkour off the One Act Set." Golden Groves are unique every year.
Bequeathals are a treasured tradition. Every year, many players are gifted with special objects or actions to do, passed down from others in the past. Recognizable examples of these are leading prayer circle, Trust Rock, Tradition, Excellence, Best Friends, Bubby, Pennies, Oshwanalo hugs, Sexy Mexy, Head Hootchie and many, many more. Some bequeathals are even kept secret! Whatever the case, at this time the seniors ceremonially announce what bequeathals they had and who they are going to give them to, sometimes briefly saying why or what the bequeathal means. Bequeathals are always changing, with new ones arising and old ones being forgotten. It is a very exciting event, particularly the bequeathal of Muledog, in which all former juniors may touch Muledog for the very first time! Secret bequeathals are given privately. ONLY seniors pass down their bequeathals. Any others with bequeathals can keep them until graduation, unless otherwise specified.
Thespian inductions
At this point, anyone who has applied for International Thespian Society will be ceremonially brought in! Only 10 points are needed for entry, so application is strongly encouraged. The ceremony entails lighting candles and reciting an oath. It is a very reverent and exciting ceremony!
Directors awards
During directors awards, a large number of exciting awards are issued! A large number of them are voted on by students, such as best actors and actresses, best Black Box Play, and the next year's Players and Thespian officers! The Directors will also issue several personal awards to particularly exceptional students, typically seniors.
Senior video
The junior class presents the senior class with a touching, sentimental slide show comprised of pictures of each of them as children through to the present.
Season announcement
Before the evening is through, the directors will announce the next year's season of plays! This is viewed by many as the most exciting part of the night; many try to predict the next year's plays. The directors will announce the proposed plays, musical, and likely the One Act as well.
Once the night is through, the formalities are dismissed in favor of fun and mingling. The lights are dimmed and music is played, and many take to the dance floor! Everyone is free to take photographs, talk, exchange goodbyes, dance, congratulate one another, etc. The evening is through by midnight.